Creative Chaos… Or?

How my Chaos is a precursor to a beautiful finished product.

Destroyer of Obstacles:

A short video compiled of stills taken at different stages of the creative process of adding colour to the Lord Ganesha wooden frame.

Style Craft, Customised!

By Priya Naidoo Advertising. The bane of our existence but without it, all those small to medium businesses would fail. If we didn’t advertise, how would you know what we can do? Or that Target was having a sale, or Spar was doing a “Buy 1, Get 1 free!” promotion? We need adverts, it givesContinue reading “Style Craft, Customised!”

Backgrounds and cold nights. By Priya Naidoo

Winter has decided to hit Gauteng, South Africa with a vengeance! The wind is sharp and biting. The sunshine, diluted and weakened. We’re layering our winter clothes(five or six layers help) and praying the weather gods take pity on us. The nights are terrible, and worse yet, it’s begun to rain too! So much forContinue reading “Backgrounds and cold nights. By Priya Naidoo”

Up cycled bottles and pets! By Priya Naidoo

Let me start off by saying Happy International Pets Day! Or is it national pets day? Does it matter? Shouldn’t everyday be pet day? I know it is in my house, simply because my baby girl is awesome! Okay, let’s be straight here, all animals are awesome, humans got a long way to go. Anyway,Continue reading “Up cycled bottles and pets! By Priya Naidoo”

Ganesha Drawing – lying down

It’s a high resolution download A3 size, it’s a once off purchase. Price on site. The original drawing was done in watercolor pencils is also available upon request.

Happy 2022 from the crazier sister!

Well hello, from me, Priya! I’ve not posted for a while and just thought I’d drop in and say hi. Aaannd, show you what I’ve been up to in the time since I lasted posted. So behold, my first try at a Christmas decoration, which I’m quite proud of. Also, this Rosied up fish bowl,Continue reading “Happy 2022 from the crazier sister!”

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