Autonomy anyone?

How is that after all the protests, the fights and sadly, deaths of so many women, there are still people out there who want to take our hard-earned freedoms away from us? How is it that so many women have forgotten what their mothers, grandmothers and aunts have fought for? Feminism is not a bad word. We are feminists, and proud of it. We will never forget the women who fought, so that we could vote, own businesses and choose whether we want to get married or not!

Did I go to school? Did you?

By: Priya_The_Pict What was your favorite subject in school? Who can remember that? After so long? Ok no, I’m just kidding. In all seriousness, my favourite subject in school was….drumroll please…English! I loved the complexity of the language, the fact that we had to read, and dissecting the various characters in all the books weContinue reading “Did I go to school? Did you?”

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